Tag Archives: ezine

Phrack 67 !!

Phrack is one of  THE best hacking E-zines in the world !! Phrack’s 67th issue just released ! The most awaited release was a very big disappointment ! Phrack was and is known for its new technically super rich content about the Hidden networks, Compromising new technologies etc but this release was , except a few articles , very basic. For instance an awesome article on ProFTPd rooting but it was for an old version infact a very old version of the Software which was a bummer because getting your hands on a zero-day for proftpd would have been awesome ! 😀

Phrack team had alot of problem (apparently) before the release of this Issue of Phrack !  I dont know the exact issues but still they delayed it many times.  The whole team is different for issue 67 ! Maybe that was the problem ? Well the authors of Phrack 67 would be knowing that better.

All in all it was an ok release ! But if compared with the past releases , it was nothing !! I hope another issue comes out soon ! Maybe even this year 😀 !

Peace !